Starting Sunday, May 17, we’re going back to church! We are going to resume having services in our building; however, we want to do our best to do so safely. Here is our plan moving forward:

  • We will not be having Sunday School, Junior Church, or Wednesday evening services until at least June (we will continue with Zoom prayer times on Wednesday and Sunday evening’s until then). The board will reevaluate at the beginning of June and make a decision to restart these services then.
  • We will have a greeter present to open the doors for those attending.
  • We will not be passing the offering plates.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available for use.
  • Lysol spray and wipes will be available in the bathrooms to ensure cleanliness.
  • We encourage everyone to avoid shaking hands.
  • We will be encouraging social distancing within the church. We ask that families sit together, and that everyone stagger seating in the sanctuary, as much as possible, to avoid sitting directly behind someone else.
  • Feel free to wear face masks in the church.
  • Following the service, we want to encourage socializing outside the church rather than inside.
  • We also want to encourage those over 65, or with preexisting conditions to be cautious about attending right away. Of course you are welcome to attend if you choose, but we want you to stay healthy!
  • No one should feel pressured to begin attending right away if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.
  • We will still be live streaming our services for those at home.

Since we will not be having Sunday School, we will be beginning our services at 10:45 until Sunday School resumes.

June 13 – Update

The past few months have been difficult ones as we’ve been forced to be apart from one another as the Body of Christ. During this time we’ve worshiped from home, from our vehicles, and now we’re meeting together in our building once again.

From the beginning of this pandemic the church board has tried to weigh carefully the concerns of health and our responsibility not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together.
Since May 17, we’ve been slowly transitioning back to worshiping together. While Covid-19 is still a concern, and we want to be as careful as possible, we now believe that it is time to resume our in-person small group meetings and Wednesday evening services. We have decided to continue to delay having Sunday School until Sunday, July 12 (the Sunday following Camp Meeting).